While the male handbags focus more on sophistication & minimalism with a few exceptions, women handbags may feature poppy colors, bright & bold prints or embellishments to make them even more attractive and feminine. All in all, this particular section is my favorite and I so cannot resist myself from buying them. If you see my wardrobe, it is full with these little wonders and I like experimenting with them. I also believe that one should buy only a designer handbag because of a lot of reasons; one reason being the superior quality and the others like, unique designs, high durability, brand value, etc.
These designer brands offer you supreme quality so that your product will last a good amount of time. Investing your money in them provides a good value of money and therefore their high prices are justifiable. While some luxury brands are way too expensive, others are still accessible. They fall within an accessible price range and are not heavy on the pocket. One such label that you can consider while doing your handbag-shopping spree is Coach. The American luxury label is a very popular brand among both men and women. Not only handbags but other categories like apparels, footwear and accessories are equally popular and alluring. Sophistication, elegance and timeless styles are the attributes that one can assign to its collection. Just one look and you will be a fan of it.
The range of Coach Handbags employs solid colors, floral prints, logo print, fur detailing, color block pattern, embellishments, studs etc. The latest in trend styles blended along with class can be found in this category. With so many options, it is possible to get confused. The price range of these beauties lies within the affordable range and you can easily get the shoulder bags between 11k -12k.
The styles available are; backpacks, briefcase bags, clutch, cross bodies, hobos, messengers, satchels, shoulder bags, totes, wallets & wristlets. While the briefcases and messengers are best suited for formal occasions, clutches & evening bags can be carried to parties or a special occasion. Satchels and totes are more of a daily option that you can carry to work or when hanging out with your girls. Be it any style, the bags are supper roomy and functional along with being stylish. The iconic ones featuring logo print all over are one of the most sought after designs, which are extremely popular, and a signature style of the company. If you are looking to buy Coach Handbags, then you can check out various online websites for great deals on them.
Our love for handbags can never be diminished. They are one of the most important parts of our wardrobes and we spend the same amount of time in buying them as we do with our apparels or any other section. Yes they are very popular amongst women but over the years men have increased their contribution in the handbag industry. With growing fashion conscious, men are not behind women in this aspect and that is why men handbag range is also now diverse with a lot of options to choose from. There are a lot of styles that vary according to the occasion you are headed to. The world of handbags is an enticing place to indulge in with a lot of exciting options.